Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Playing with CosmaBella

I had some free time to waste, when really I should be working on my swaps! I started playing with my Cosmobella. Originally I was going to start a card for Caardvarks but I didn't like how it was turning out so I started going a different way. Have you ever made a card and totally didn't know if you liked it? That is how I feel about this one. I mean yes it IS a Bella car and all but still, I am not sure I like it.

What do you ladies think? It seems to be missing something...maybe some primas up in the corner or something? I don't know....Aaarrrghhh...I am stumped.

Well I am off to start some of my swaps then take Taylor to her dads....ahhh some peace and quiet....I will check in with you later.

Thanks in advance for the ideas!

The Queen of Scrap

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